[전화 관련] 업무 관련 용건 말하기
메일관련하여 고마움 표현
Hello, Thomas, thank for your receipt. Thank you for the e-mail.
OK 보다 확실한 표현 of course
Certainly, is it possible for you to visit our office at two thiry this Friday?
-. I think you need to ~
~하셔야할 것 같습니다.
-. Unfortunately, 죄송하지만,
Unfortunately, she’s currently on a business trip.
Be on a sick leave. : 병가
Maternal, paternal,
-. Could I have~? 할 수 있을까요?
Could I have her email address just in case(혹시 모르니) I need to contact her?
(for some inquiries) 궁금한 점
Could I have a copy of last month’s report before the meeting?
-. Is it possible ~? ~이 가능한가요?
Is it possible for you to submit the report before the end of day?’
-. Thank you for your patience. : 기다려줘서 감사합니다.
Could you put me through to the person in charge? 담당자에게 연결해줄 수 있습니까?
-. 주제:Unread email
I sent a promotion suggestion via(=through) email.
We haven’t had chance to check the details.
Could I ask when you will check it?
I’ll make sure to check it as soon as possible and then get back to you.